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Mark Baez
Assistant Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology


Dr. Mark Standing Eagle Baez is a member of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation (Mission Indian in TX) and a descendant of the Mohawk and Pawnee people. Dr. Baez received his Ph.D. in General Psychology with a specialization in cognition. Dr. Baez is a licensed school psychologist, licensed chemical dependency counselor, and certified cognitive-behavioral therapist. Dr. Baez has incorporated culturally responsive methods into his services for over two decades. He has focused on developing and interweaving culturally responsive, sensitive, and appropriate methods into his direct private practice with different tribal communities across Indian Country and as a professor. He has provided culturally responsive IEP approaches, mental health, and substance use services by utilizing an approach he developed called the ‘Sweetgrass Method,’ which focuses on weaving Western approaches and cultural methodologies for the students/clients into his practice among Tribal communities across the Indian country. His clinical work includes assessments, evaluations, behavioral observations, and individual support. He works with tribal communities (in his private consulting practice) and as a professor with Indigenous students at Bemidji State University. At the same time, I trained as a general psychologist, school psychologist, and clinical testing. Dr. Baez believes this Western approach is the only perspective to view mental health among AI/AN and Indigenous populations. Thus, weaving in Traditional methodologies is vital in working with marginalized populations across Indigenous Country. Dr. Baez is the President-elect of the Society of Indian Psychologists and the co-director of the InPsyT (Indigenous Students in the Psychology Training) program at BSU. He also mentors graduate and undergraduate AI/AN students majoring in Psychology. He is a proud member of the American Psychological Association, the National Association of School Psychologists, and the National Association of Addiction Professions. Dr. Baez is a published author and a national speaker. He is an educated, highly qualified, experienced, and Indigenous professional. Dr. Baez’s professional contributions include published works on developing and understanding culturally responsive approaches to bullying and mental health services from an Indigenous lens.  


Ph.D. Psychology Grand Canyon University MA School Psychology Western New Mexico University MS Psychology Northcentral University B.S. Psychology Our Lady of the Lake University
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