Kaes, Md
TAD Adjunct Faculty
- Emailmd.kaes@eraglobe.com
Kaiser, Joseph
General Maintenance Worker
- Phone218-755-2062
Kantack Miller, Kari
Assistant Director of Financial Aid
- Phone218-755-4142
Karger, Bonner
Executive Director (Interim), Student Success Center
- Phone218-755-2174
Karger, Brodie
ITS 3/Server & Systems Administrator
- Phone218-755-2033
Katz, Jesse
Non Employee
Keute, Caitlin
Upward Bound
- Phone218-755-3334
Kingbird-Bratvold, Awanookwe
State Univ Adjunct Unit
Kingery, Muriel
Associate Dir for HMU Operations
- Phone218-755-2713
Kippenhan, B
- Phone218-755-2076
Kivi, Paul
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-4106
Klander, Justin
Contingent Worker
Klawitter, Lukus
State Univ Adjuct Unit
Klement, Kat
Associate Professor
- Phone218-755-2848
Knott, Jodi
Associate Director of Financial Aid
- Phone218-755-4143
Knudson, Seth
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Koch, Richard
- Phone218-755-2795
Koester, Jason
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Konecne, Steven
Music Adjunct
- Phone218-755-3931
Kong'a, Alex
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor
Krall, Lisa
Associate Professor
Kramer, Anthony
Non Employee
Kranz, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty
- Phone218-755-3716
Kroeger, Tim
Emeritus Faculty
Krueger, Heidi
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Kruse, Michael
Electronics Technician Senior
- Phone218-755-2611
Kubiak, Karl
Music Adjunct
Kuechle, Loralyn
Interim Director of Housing & Residential Life
- Phone218-755-3751